
Surprise Visitor!

  Our nephew James came to visit for a long weekend and we packed a lot into a short time!  The photo above came from our desert safari.  Below, a group photo of us with our new NFL friend Dan who plays for the Steelers. Oryx - an elk-like creature indigenous to the region Falcon demonstration.  They are a big deal here and have been used for hunting for thousands of years. Today, falconry is more of a royal sport and a symbol of national heritage.  What UAE safari would be complete without a camel ride?! Professional camel jockey Sunset after the falconry demonstration  Earlier in the day, en route to the desert, we caught a glimpse of the camel racetrack. Apparently, there are 3 types of camels - racing camels, riding camels, and camels that are eaten.  They also have pedigrees like dogs. Some prized camels can sell for over $1M equivalent.  Below— The Museum of the Future. One of the coolest buildings in Dubai.  Kind of a museum of science...

Walking around the Hood

Some pics from our weekend. Above is the Burj Al Arab hotel as seen from our dinner venue Saturday night. Below are the Italian musicians at the restaurant who serenaded us us. Marina Beach is just 3 blocks from our apartment and a likely landing spot on any weekend that we are not traveling.  Our apartment building.  Our balcony is on the right side, four down from the top Broader view of the Marina. Our building can be seen on the right. In the center, some of our favorite hang-outs can be seen in the cylindrical building More posts to follow soon, including South Africa in 2 weeks!