
Pictured above is Dubai’s Jebel Ali desalination plant, the world’s largest, converting over 550 million gallons of seawater to fresh water every day. It is one of 70 major desalination plants in the UAE, which account for 14% of the world’s desalination production. This is how we can live in a desert. The facility uses a reverse osmosis (RO) process where water molecules are pushed through filters at very high pressure. The salt molecules are too big to fit and don’t go through. It’s the same process we use at our Maine house only on a much grander scale. This water filtration uses an incredibly amount of power. So, it makes sense that the Dubai plant sits next to the world largest gas-fired power plant, producing 8.6 Gigawatts of energy . . . I wonder how many DeLoreans that would power? Below is an image of the entire complex from the water