Thoughts - 2wks in

This has been quite an experience.  Our air freight shipment arrived today.  Lots of extra clothing and a guitar I still can’t play. This place is not exactly what we expected - Feels like a cross between Miami and Chicago.  Electricity was introduced in 1961 - hard to wrap your head around that when this is now a major metropolitan city of the world   The good:  It’s all new.  The bad:  It’s all new (no history).  I’ve never seen urban real estate construction on this level/pace anywhere. The heat is the biggest setback - it was 107 degrees today.  Incredible architecture everywhere but you can’t be outside for very long. I’m told that all this changes in a few weeks. Really want to hike around but that may have to wait a bit.  Testing the waters with a car rental this weekend — oh yeah, FYI not everyone drives a Lamborghini!  Going for the Audi or the plebian Mustang GT (here you go, Dick Lemay, if you are reading this! Ha Ha!). Much more to report this weekend!


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