Planning - Greg Style


My desk in our hotel bedroom (Julie gets the double monitors on the dining room). There really isn’t much to watch on TV. In fact, we haven’t watched it at all since we arrived!  We watch our laptops and iPads. So, the TV makes a great bulletin board . . . a planning center for our next adventures. Lately, we have been consumed with locking down our new apartment. Never thought it would be so difficult to move money out of the US. Seriously, I’m not El Chapo!  Give me a break!  Stay tuned for more interesting posts soon. We fly to Istanbul next Friday!


  1. The post it and list arrangement look familiar 😉

    1. That’s how I roll, wherever I am! Organized chaos

  2. I wish you both a safe flight and good business.André

    1. Thank you, Andre. More interesting posts coming soon.


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