The Wandering Day


Today I was out solo. Julie had her work conference at our hotel and I went back into the city. Our hotel, unfortunately, although still in Istanbul, is a 1hr taxi ride from the historic center. We’ve been getting a real sense of Istanbul rush hour, a little bit like Manhattan crossed with Rome, drivers are absolutely crazy and think they are immortal.  The pic above is the Hagia Sofia, another very large and beautiful mosque, which has alternated between church and mosque several times throughout its history. The entrance line was over an hour long yesterday and appeared to be about the same today so we’ll enjoy it from the outside!  More pics from my wandering . . . .

Discovered the Arasta Bazaar, a more upscale tame version of the Grand Bazaar. Quite nice to walk around here before many of the shops opened for the day. 

Cemetaries are always interesting. A lot of who & what’s important, along with a good dose of cultural/religious symbolism

This is the Galata Tower.  It stands across the sound from the historic skyline of the city, making it a great observation point, the primary reason it was built in the first place. Built in 1348, it’s been a fixture in Istanbul for quite a while. It’s most interesting claim to fame came in 1638 when this dude strapped on wings and flew off the top, making what technically counts as the first hang-glider flight. It was also arguably the first intercontinental flight as he landed on the European side of the strait.  Balls of steel . . . I can’t even do a zip-line!

Suleymaniye Mosque, built in 1550

Roman aquaduct built in the 4th century. If only the Red Line in Boston was built like this!  1900yrs vs 110yrs


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