Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is a day of thanks. So, before I start, let me first say how grateful Julie & I are for our friends and family. Your engagement and support means the world to us. You make the distance tolerable and ground us with a sense of home. The opportunity we have been given has been extraordinary. We are experiencing something incredible and are getting spoiled. Our area is a bit like the Seaport in Boston, which will make this tough to match at a reasonable price when we finally return home.
No idea what this is about (beyond a whale’s tail), but it was really cool and we need one in Boothbay! Maybe they could add it to that pile of dirt they are failing to make into a park on the east harbor?
Tonight we were located at the top of the “palm,” overlooking the Atlantis resort along the arc.
My Thanksgiving dinner :( . . . Another Prosecco please!
Happy thanksgiving! The water show looks awesome! -Ryan Evaul