Our Week in Boston


Had a whirlwind trip back home, our first since moving to Dubai 2 months ago.  Lots of laughs and great visits with family and friends, culminating in our niece Katie’s wedding. Sharing some pics of our visit. The photo above was taken on Commonwealth Avenue (aka Comm Ave) with the John Hancock tower in the background.  Have to admit, it doesn’t seem as tall as it used to!

Whoa!  You don’t see that in Dubai. In a lucky moment, I caught a glimpse of my beer truck pulling up to the hotel. (They knew I was staying for a few days!)  And yes, Andre, that’s Belgian beer, made in Maine. 

Apparently, this is now a thing. It’s a new building on the outskirts of Boston, up past Fenway. Not sure what it is but they are taking a page out of the Dubai playbook. 

The Eliot Hotel with the Harvard Club on the right. We stayed here the last 3 nights and celebrated the wedding

St. Cecelia’s church in Boston. Wedding venue

City Bar in the Back Bay.  Note the dozens of martini glasses on ice!

This is a true martini  Sadly, no one in Dubai (or Europe, for that matter) knows how to make one. Shaken’ not stirred, Mr. Bond.

This is bacon, one of the four food groups and a primary ingredient in everything awesome!  Sadly, I won’t be savoring this culinary delight until we return at Christmas. 

Lobster rolls . . . ‘nuff said

Back in the Eliassen hood with my great friends Chris and Ann. 

The Harvard Room at the Boston Harvard Club, incredible place for a wedding reception. The ceiling is 3 stories high!

Our beautiful nieces, Katie, Sarah, and Claire

Some random wedding guests . . . .

Laurie, Julie, and Pam at the church post wedding

Julie and her mom at a dive bar!  Ha Ha!

The perfect Fall foliage tree. For our friends who aren’t from here, our entire forests light up like this every Autumn. 
The Burj John Hancock

Statue of George Washington in the Boston Public Garden


  1. Merveilleux toutes ces photos. Vous êtes tous photogéniques. Pour la bières Greg santé.
    Si tu retournes à Istamboul Greg fait attention, ce jour il y a eu un attentat. De André.

    1. Thanks, Andre. We heard about the Istanbul attack. Flying back to Dubai tonight. Next big trip will be the Maldives. I am somewhat fat and will need to slim down for that trip!

  2. Great pictures and glad you had a good time. Looking forward to seeing both of you in December.

  3. I’m so glad we got to see you this visit! The wedding looked beautiful! See you in a few weeks!

    1. Likewise, Kim! Great seeing you. Can’t believe we are already looking ahead to Christmas. See you again soon!

  4. You both looked amazing for the wedding. Not the usual Boothbay attire. We are thinking of you and hope all is going well. Gina and Charlie

    1. Great to hear from you guys! Yes, a big shift from the Boothbay lifestyle. Crazy how time is flying by. We’ll be back for the summer - 3mos for me, 2mos for Julie


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