Summer in Maine


Well, so much for posting to the blog this summer!  We returned to Dubai a few days ago.  105F (41C) and full humidity, yikes!  Dubai has a population of 3 million people, 90% of whom come from somewhere else.  In the summer, they go back to their somewhere else.  Ours was Boothbay, Maine.  Julie worked remotely and we were able to reconnect with many friends and family.

It feels like a back to school essay - “what I did on summer break”  Some highlights and interesting pics of the last 3 months . . . . 

Baby deer seen near our Boothbay home

The claw of a 4.5lbs (2kg) lobster and a very happy lobster eater

Seals congregating on Seal Rock near our house

Father’s Day weekend. Lunch via boat at Coveside restaurant

View from our porch where much time was spent

Lobby of the Copley Plaza hotel in Boston. Below is the outside view next to the John Hancock tower. 

Hundreds of oyster shells to be used as place settings at John & Mack’s wedding

4th of July fireworks from Lobster Wharf

The eagle near our home, along with the Great Blue Heron  fishing from our mooring (below). Photos courtesy of our nephew John Walsh, a professional photographer. 

“The Saran Wrap Ball,” an annual tradition involving dice, oven mitts, and many incredible prizes tightly wrapped inside

Trivia Night at Pier One - team Artificial Intelligence scores another victory!

Sunset on the boat with my favorite person

Post lunch with my aunt and sister - East Boothbay, Maine

The beginning of the John & Mack wedding weekend (Popponesset Beach, New Seabury, Cape Cod Massachusetts)

Sebago Lake, Maine

The footbridge in Boothbay Harbor

Lunch at Coveside after an unlucky fishing trip. We caught two lobster rolls!
The burgee room at Coveside, where people have been donating their boat flags for decades
Replica of Magellan’s ship Nao Trinidad in Boothbay Harbor

A little afternoon reggae at Robinson’s Wharf

Last day of summer - Pier One “dugout”
Lobster Wharf bar with Glenn & Nikki

The Mainiacs - part of the summer Lobster Wharf experience

Brunch at Harborside 1901 - Lobster Bloody Mary with bacon!

Lobster Boats near Robinson’s Wharf

Church in the center of Portsmouth, New Hampshire


  1. As always summer with you two was great but it flew by way to quick this year and fall/winter won't be complete without you two here in the haabah. Don't worry we'll keep Pier 1 and the Lobstah Wharf busy ordering beers, steamers and lobster! Looking forward to seeing you around Christmas!

  2. From André.Greg you have spoiled us with images, all the photos are more beautiful than the others. Now it will be news from Dubai. Summer will continue for you. You're in luck.
    I wish Julie good deals and great finds for you.


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