We flew to Almaty, Kazakhstan today! Julie had a work trip and I tagged along. Surprisingly, it was only a 3hr 45min flight. We flew directly over Iran,Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Something we’ve learned over the past year . . . the “—Stan” means “place of”. In this case, place of the Kazakhs. This country is huge and ranks as the 9th largest geographically in the world, a major route for the “Silk Road” from Europe to China a millennia ago. It also has the longest land border of any country in the world. If superimposed over the US, it would stretch from the east coast to the Rocky Mountains! Our destination Almaty is the former capital and derives its name from “Alma-Atta” — somehow “father of the apples”. The apple is the symbol of the city. Tomorrow, Julie has work meetings and I wander around as a solo tourist. Stay tuned!
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