Final Day at Solio Game Reserve


Our final day at Solio Lodge & Game Reserve.  We saw the second pride of lions that the preserve hosts. They had just killed a buffalo the night before and were hanging out around their multi-day meal. This guy above was one of 4 males in the group. 

Below is a Cape Buffalo. Besides being food for the lions, it is responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal.  Its looks can be deceiving as it is very aggressive and highly territorial. It runs quite fast and can impale its victims with those horns that look like a bad 60’s hairdo. 

Male impala


Baby white rhino

Young white rhino males play fighting

Our Toyota Land Cruiser came equipped with a pull-out stove, where our “bush breakfast” was cooked 

Another deadly Buffalo

Grey Crowned Cranes

Baby white rhino with its mother

Cape Buffalo

Giraffes outside our room at Solio Lodge

Elephant. They try to keep them out but they keep getting into the preserve. They break down fences and topple trees so they like to minimize their presence 

Baboon on the run. Undoubtedly did something nasty and is now running from the consequences. 

 Verreaux’s Eagle Owl. It is massive . . . About 1 meter high!

My big camera downloads photos to my iPhone instantly. However, they are at much lower resolution. Embarrassed by some of the photos I’m putting up as the originals were stunning  . . . 

Sunset over an acacia tree

Solio Lodge, our home for 3 nights. Incredible place with incredible people

Our cottage. One of only 6 on property. We were 2 of 9 guests total upon arrival

Outdoor lunch area

After returning to our cottage this afternoon, we were shocked to see we had a guest . . . A Hyrax, the single most annoying animal in Kenya.  For starters, it used our room as a bathroom. However, it is largely nocturnal and makes a blood curdling screech throughout the night, keeping us awake at all hours. Illegal to kill and the chef refused my request to cook one up for dinner.  I think they relocated our visitor under the tree with the giant owl (it’s natural predator).  Good luck asshole!

Fireplace tongs have many uses!!


  1. Hyrax? Any relation to a Lorax? 😉. Greg no worries your photos are great.Nag Geo worthy. Glad your both having fun. Sorry Hyrax is off the menu. You should have at least shaved it so you knew if it was the same one coming back. Looking forward to seeing you two in a few weeks and catching up.

    1. Forgot to enter who made this comment.

  2. What an adventure!! Looking for pictures every day !!

  3. Greg. Never would you have thought what you are doing at the moment is unimaginable. Traveling in all directions and breathtaking photos; Thanks Greg. By André


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