Giraffe Manor
Left the Solio Reserve this morning and flew back to Nairobi for our one night stay at Giraffe Manor, a very unique place. The Giraffes come right up to the building at sunrise and sunset. You can pet them and feed them.
Giraffe Manor is a small boutique hotel in a suburb of Nairobi with a total of 12 rooms. Together with its associated Giraffe Centre, it serves as a home to a number of endangered Rothschild giraffes. It also operates a program to reintroduce breeding pairs back into the wild.
The building itself was modeled after a Scottish hunting lodge, and was constructed in 1932, originally sitting on 150 acres. It has become an iconic experience for those visiting Nairobi.
Kissing a giraffe . . . If you put a piece of dry giraffe treat between your lips, the giraffe takes it away and appears to be kissing you
Aside from Giraffe Manor, we visited the equator earlier today in the Kenyan town of Nanyuki. Saw a demonstration of the Coriolis Effect where water swirls clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere
Essayez avec cette orthographe : Greg, vous avez l'air de n'etais pas tres rassurant, voila ce qu'andre pense.
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Résultat de traduction
Greg, you don't seem to be very reassuring with this big beast behind you, that's what Andre is thinking.