Flying Home

Close to 14 hours in the air with our flight back to Boston from Dubai.  We are returning for 2 weeks for our nephew Mike’s and Jessie’s wedding.  Caught the above shot toward the end of our flight, showing the tallest mountain in Maine with Moosehead Lake in the distance.  Mount Katahdin is 5270 feet tall (1606 meters), exactly 1 mile. Photo taken from 36,000 feet. 

Leaving Dubai earlier in the day . . . .

The Zagros mountains in Iran, which we seem to regularly fly over

Settling in for the long flight home . . . .

Emirates business class . . . Fresh cut flowers and unending champagne!

Moosehead Lake (Maine)

Cape Ann (Massachusetts)

Boston, Massachusetts


  1. Waw relax have a wonderful time xxx

  2. It's a waking dream for both of you: what more could you ask for? Make the most of it.
    And welcome to Maine. Andrew


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