More of Athens

Spent the past couple of days wandering around the city. Above is a photo of the back side of the Parthenon as I stood below it. Below is another backside view of the Parthenon from the other side of the Acropolis 

More Parthenon. Sorry for the repetition. One of those iconic world places and I’m looking at it from all angles

Back of the Erechtheion. (You don’t see it but the Viagrathon is propping it up in the back)

Theater of Dionysos

National Observatory 

Greek folk musicians. I think they were a couple

Side street in the Plaka, a major tourist shopping neighborhood 

Museum of the Acropolis.  When I was here in 1984, the museum was at the top next to the Parthenon. I think they upped their game. 

More views from the hike up the Acropolis 

The Agora

Another whole-building graffiti art

Below is the site of the first modern Olympics which took place here in 1896. Also, very timely, the Olympic torch was lit yesterday for the 2024 games. It will be carried by over 10,000 people before it reaches its destination in Paris 

Academy of Athens (3 photos below)

Took a break from shopping in the Plaka to sample the homemade Ouzo produced by this place, Brettos. They actually make a wide variety of liquors and brandy. Very cool place with a great bar back!

The sign says it all . . . 

Olive vendor - looks like 33 different kinds of olives!

Just a pretty street lined with restaurants

Found the central market. Below is the meat market. Lots of interesting parts of animals that we traditionally don’t eat. Sparing you the photographic evidence but brains, hearts, lungs, stomachs, heads, feet, etc. are all fair game. 

More civilized markets on the street

The seafood market. I’m drawn to these in every country. Interesting to see (A) what they catch and (B) what they eat. 

Stumbled upon this cool little Greek Orthodox church. Many hundreds of years old 

View looking up into the dome

Very interesting artwork at a street corner. This statue is made of layered sheets of glass. The photo is not blurred but the glass gives that impression. 

A little octopus app, actually not so little . . . I think this was a tentacle from the Kraken!

Sculpture in the square in front of our hotel. It’s called “The Fallen Angel”  Looks like it just fell headfirst and hit a rock. 

The aforementioned square in front of our hotel. This was the view from our room

Rooftop pool at our hotel


  1. The theater seats do not appear to be comfortable!

    1. No, especially if you’re wearing a sheet!

    2. Such a beautiful collection off pictures!


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