Schaffhausen - A Day out in Town


Spent the day wandering around the little town of Schaffhausen, population 36,000 people across 16 square miles. Pretty place and easy to walk around. It’s full of picturesque baroque buildings with painted and/or sculpted facades. The building shown above, the Zum Ritter House is a prime example. Built in 1492, it is one of the more prominent facades in town, depicting scenes from Greek and Roman mythology. 

More buildings . . . . 

The stairway leading up to the Münot, the 15th century fort protecting the town

Vineyards along the hillside of the fort

The Münot

Flag of the town — Schaffhausen

A view up the Rhine

Canon atop the Münot

Side of the Münot

Statue of the Moorish king Kasper

Asparagus season in Europe. The ever popular white asparagus . . . 

Asparagus vendor

Lots of medieval signage . . . 

Many buildings have these gargoyle-like figures over their doors to ward off evil spirits . . . 

One of the city towers which formerly defined the limits of the city. It’s now one end of the walking street

Main square

Where we had dinner — Güterhof


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