Schaffhausen, Switzerland — A Day on the Rhine
First full day in Switzerland. Julie had work meetings in Schaffhausen, a small town 30 minutes north of Zurich. I played tourist today, setting out to see the nearby Rhine Falls. The hotel said it was an hour walk and that maybe I should take a bus. It was a nice day and figured the walk would be fine. Unfortunately, I walked up river and the falls were down river. After an hour and not seeing anything close to a waterfall, I got a sinking feeling that I made a geographic error. After checking Google maps, something I should have done much earlier, I realized I was almost into Germany. Yikes! Retracing my many steps, I continued beyond our little town of Schaffhausen for another 3km to the Rhine Falls, the largest waterfall in Europe (pics and video below).
Beautiful and you did much fitness that day