Another Weekend in Dubai

Good weekend here in Dubai but relatively uneventful. We enjoyed a couple of dinners and explored some new places. Pictured above are several highend cars parked in front of the hotel at the Medinat Jumeirah, a fairly common sight here in Dubai. There is a lot of money here and Americans seem to be the only ones who have to pay income tax back to their home country.  FYI, these are not our cars!

One of stops this weekend. Thought I could at least get some decent beer. Bonus . . . They served pork knuckle! (actually a shank but I’m not going to correct them)

Another stop . . . Trader Vic’s, from the famed Warren Zevon song Werewolves of London. Piña Colada anyone?

I’ve posted these before but worth an occasional repeat. These are residential towers in the Dubai Marina where we live. The Cayman Tower on the left is most interesting as each floor is offset by 1.2 degrees. In total, the top floor is offset 90 degrees from the bottom. I called it “the Twizzler” when we first arrived here as it looked like the candy

Keep finding interesting things about this place . . . 
Not sure when this attraction will be done but we will likely be living back home in the US by then. 


  1. Where is there space for this?

  2. I imagine even if cars were cheaper there the cost of bringing one over and getting it up to the emissions required in the states would more than offset the savings.

  3. Space is not the issue. They’re constantly adding more. Most things here are more expensive. So much non-taxed income here (not for Americans) that it drives prices up.

  4. So glad to see Belgium cafe!! All the pictures are super again!!!


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