The Fix
Back from a great Thanksgiving visit home. One of the hottest Dubai items we were able to bring back were FIX chocolate bars. They are different than any chocolate bar you’ve ever had and they are amazing! The bar is made with Swiss chocolate and a pistachio knafeh filling. Knafeh is a middle eastern thing - think pistachio peanut butter. They are made fresh daily at a location about 1/2 mile from our apartment. However, there is no storefront and they can only be ordered online through a food delivery service similar to Uber Eats. They are so sought after that they sell out almost immediately. They have rules in ordering from them as well: (1) you must have a UAE phone number, (2) only one item per customer (if you are lucky, you can score a box of 6 bars which counts as one item). (3) you can only order at 2pm and 5pm each day and, when they sell out, you are out of luck. We literally set alarms on our phones to be ready at the designated times. You have to be fast and know what you want. Their entire inventory sells out in about 30 seconds. Given their massive popularity, there are dozens of knockoffs being sold but this was the original. Below is what one looks like when you break it open. The green is not so visually appealing but it tastes incredible.
Some other interesting Dubai news . . .
Emirates, the flagship Dubai airline, has plans to modify some of its Airbus 380’s to accommodate a swimming pool, a game room, and a park. Not sure where they’ll put the luggage but this thing is the largest commercial airliner in service so I’m sure they’ll figure it out.
Air taxis are coming to Dubai! It’s looking like a trial run with several will be starting next year. Dubai is growing at about 500k people per year, and the traffic is getting worse along with that rapid growth.
I always find fish markets and meat markets interesting wherever we go. This creative layout is displayed at our local grocery store
That pool idea is interesting but my 1st concern would be the weight issues caused by the water sloshing around during a turbulent flight.